We've had a visit from both my parents and Brent's parents over the past week so here are some shots of the kids playing around with Gramma, Grandaddy, Nana and Pop. Maggie is trying to feed Grandaddy something delicious (probably a mushy cheerio)
My soon to be sister-in-law's mother sent our kids some monogrammed presents this week...so here is Maggie sporting her new bib and a new bow (you can see that Jacob is enjoying the bubble wrap in the background : )
Maggie sporting an outfit that her great grandparents bought for her (thanks Grandma and Granpa Shelton)!
Pop got Jacob a fishing reel and rod along with a tackle box. They had a good time putting it together and then learning how to cast.
Nana brought Maggie an enormous caterpillar that she LOVES!
Yesterday, after Jacob woke from his nap, he wanted to get bundled up on our bed. So I covered him with a blanket and then put his pillow on top of him...all that was showing was his little head.