Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fun at the Park

Well, the pictures below are a mix of some I took at the park and then some I've taken around the house. First, for those of you who are still wondering, Maggie "passed" the hair clip successfully on Monday. Yay! I will say that last night, after I arrived at church, I went to get her out of her car seat and the rubber band I had put in her hair was gone and I thought "not again!" She had pulled it out of her hair, but I found it in the car. Whew! On to the pictures...

Here's a shot of Maggie in a dress she wore last Sunday. I may use this as her Christmas picture... We went to the park yesterday with my friend Karen and her two little girls...Here's Hope on the monkey bars (is that what those are??)

Another shot of Hope, grinning like her mama.
Jacob going down the slide.

Little Violet hamming it up for the camera.

Jacob stopping to give me a quick smile : )

Well, maybe I found a new way to keep Maggie's hair out of her face without causing bodily harm...what do you think?

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