Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's been a while...

Well, it has been a while since my last post and I apologize for that. We ran into some computer trouble the last couple of weeks and on top of that, I've been super busy!!! Here are some of our latest pictures...
We have been trying to potty train Jacob since October. He is doing pretty well, but the lack of consistency on my part is probably holding him back some. It has been hard keeping on top of potty training since Brent's surgery. We're still working on it thought!
Maggie has found her way to our cereal cabinet and can make quite a mess as you can see below. Luckily, though......big brother Jacob is there to help clean up the mess.Here's our attempt at a family picture. It was a little blurry...Here is the Shelton family picture for 2008 (or at least one version...)Here's a shot of Jacob opening his Christmas presents from Nana and Pop. We celebrated Christmas at Thanksgiving this year.Maggie really loved her baby doll set.We also got a shot with all the cousins...Dylan, Maxton, Jacob, Maggie and Wesley.Here are my precious angels in front of the Christmas tree.I also got a good picture of Lauren and Emma in front of the tree. Too bad Alabama lost the SEC Championship game. They're still a better team than Florida if you ask me.

1 comment:

Chris & Amy said...

How bout some new pics of jacob on the computer. Wesley