Friday, November 07, 2008

What's your favorite color?

Well these are fun times at the Shelton house. The kids are keeping us busy and also keeping us laughing. Jacob is saying some pretty funny things these days. Yesterday, while playing with Brent in the yard, Jacob said "I smell something. Poop. I love poop. It's my favorite color." Ha! He is also very particular about things (don't know who he would get that from...). For instance, he doesn't like it when I whistle. He tells me that only men are supposed to whistle and "Your a gull" as he would say. Our little Maggie is cracking us up these days too. She'll wave when we say bye-bye to her, but only if the mood strikes her. She is pulling up on things and continues to put absolutely every miniscule thing from the floor in her mouth. My latest challenge is keeping her out of the bathroom while I'm taking Jacob to the potty. She loves to crawl in there and pull up on the toilet, etc. Fun germies. Anyway, below are some random pics I've taken lately. Enjoy.

Here are the munchkins trying to escape to the yard. It's not like our home is a prison - I don't know what their problem is. Here they are showing off our good dental hygiene. No cavities for us!

An example of Maggie pulling up to stand. She has also left some teeth marks in our beautiful bed. (don't worry, I spanked her for that one...ha!)

Here is Jacob and Hope playing on the see-saw at my friend Karen's house.

Maggie enjoyed the walker Karen let us borrow...

Jacob played in his wagon some yesterday. Sorry all the pictures of him are from the side. He refuses to look at the camera any more. Stubborn child. Once again, I don't know where he gets these traits (no comment necessary, mom).

Always safety conscious, he tries to buckle himself in.

Here's a pic of the tree in our backyard. Gorgeous color...too bad God didn't make the trees turn Alabama Crimson instead of Tennessee Orange. Oh well, Bama is #1 and Tennessee fired their coach and is....well, let's not gloat too much. Don't know why I'm so chipper this morning. Probably because Maggie slept a full 10 hours last night before waking up to eat. Yay!!!

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