Thursday, March 27, 2008


While I've had this blog for over 2 years I've never actually "blogged" anything other than pictures. However, the time has come. Reader beware: if you have a queasy stomach or just don't like poop stories then this is NOT the story for you.

As those of you reading know, my son Jacob is 2 years old. On Tuesday of this week I heard him wake up from his nap with his usual calls for me. As I was in the middle of something, I decided that he could stay in his crib for a few more minutes while I finished what I was doing (which was watching an episode of Samantha Who on, I'm a bad mom). After about 10 minutes I went up to get him. As I opened the door to his room, I noticed that he was holding something out to me. I thought, 'surely not'. But, you guessed was poop. I guess he got bored sitting in his bed for the extra few minutes and decided to take his diaper off and play with his poop. It was truly a pooptastrophe! His hands were covered in it, it was on the cuffs of his sweater, it was on the sheets, it was on the rail to the crib...needless to say, it was everywhere!!! I didn't even know where to begin the clean up process. I finially got my wits about me and threw him in the tub and then proceeded to wash everything remotely near the poop disaster.

While I have dealt with many a poopy diaper in my parenting days (okay so I've only been parenting for 2 years, but those have been some poop-filled years) this was by far the worst. Oh well, I plan to write it down in his baby book and will also embarass him with this story at his engagement party or some other high-attendance event. Kids, you gotta love 'em.

1 comment:

Nicola said...

That's hilarious! And yet, I'm sure I'll be totally disgusted when I see that Maggie has done the same thing one day!