Saturday, July 12, 2008

Many changes...

This week has held many changes for us...all good, but different just the same. First Maggie had her 6 month appointment. The fact that she is growing up so fast just blows my mind. She weighed 14 pounds (a whopper!) and is now drinking - or attempting- from a sippy cup (see below). The other major change for us was getting Jacob his first "big boy" hair cut. We have purposefully kept his hair long because we liked the way it looked and we liked his curls. However, his hair seems to have lost most of the curl so we decided to try the big boy look. Oh my, the change in him. He is still the most adorable looking boy, but it made my heart skip a beat to see my baby looking like such a big boy. : )

1 comment:

Chris & Amy said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do NOT recognize this little boy!!!! It's super cute, but dramatically, insanely different!!! I'm hoping Wesley still recognizes him!