Friday, July 25, 2008

Trip to the zoo, etc.

We had a nice trip to the zoo this week with Chris, Amy, Wesley and Dylan. We went on Thursday and it was the best day of the week to go, since Monday and Tuesday were on record for the hottest days of the year so far. The weather was beautiful and we didn't get too hot. I've posted some pictures from our trip and then a few extras of the kids around the house.

Here, Amy and I are discussing something very important, probably the upcoming election, or the war in Iraq, or the horrible housing market...definitely NOT talking about losing baby weight or some other silly topic.
Maggie did great at the zoo, especially since she had to miss her morning nap to go. She did get a quick snooze while riding in the Bjorn, but was in a good mood as you can see below.
Here you'll see Jacob and cousin Wesley in the petting area of the zoo.

Jacob thought the alligators were pretty cool...that and the frogs. In fact, he was probably most excited about the frogs. Why pay $26 to see stuff you have in your own backyard?!?

Before we left for the zoo Brent put this camo hat of Jacob's on Maggie. For the record, she will never wear camo again. This was a photo opportunity only. Consider this pay back for Brent since he would pitch a fit any time I wanted to put something "traditional" on Jacob as a baby...(code for "fru-fru").

Here's a shot of Jacob playing with his letters (note the big-boy underwear). He is usually in pull-ups but the POINT is that we are potty training. Yay!

And lastly, here is little Maggie, who is not so little any more. This is a shot of her sitting up with the aid of my boppy pillow. This was her first time to sit like that...she is growing up so fast already. What a sweet girl she is...

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